about: - "Living in Portsmouth with my partner, cat, and our daughter {map-pin}" playing: - "Last of Us Part 1 Remaster (PS5)" - "Guardians of the Galaxy (PS5)" ideas: - "Fediverse software like PixelFed, BookWrym, and Postmarks: Which of these do I want to use" - "As a follow up: should I self-host these given I've been burned twice before with instances disappearing with no warning" - "Should [Almanac](https://alm.lol) be more similar to something like BookWyrm with ActivityPub support, comments, etc?" - "The [Johnny Decimal](https://johnnydecimal.com/) system" - "A simple metatag checker website with some more features than [MetaTags](https://metatags.io) has" - "A script to generate favicons, `apple-touch-icons` and the like from a single image"